
Tips to Prevent a Fire in Your Restaurant

December 18, 2017 Published by Leave your thoughts

Although fires can break out anywhere at any time, restaurants are especially prone to fires. Unless everyone on the kitchen staff is well trained on fire safety and your safety equipment is up to date, open flames and a busy environment don’t mix very well. The following tips from fire sprinkler contractors in Lawrenceville, GA could be the difference between a successful restaurant and a kitchen that’s burned to the ground: Sprinklers and suppression systems: Your number one defense when a fire starts in your kitchen is sprinklers and other fire suppression systems. When these systems detect a flame, smoke... View Article

What Is a Fire Prevention Plan, and Why Is It Important?

December 4, 2017 Published by Leave your thoughts

Every day, fires devastate homes and businesses across the nation. Fires don’t just cause property damage, though. Without proper fire safety knowledge, fires can lead to injuries or even death. Luckily, that shouldn’t be the case with your home or business if you have a fire prevention plan in place! Keep reading to learn more about fire prevention plans from a fire protection consultant in Lawrenceville, GA: Recognize fire hazards: Identifying potential fire hazards is the first step in creating a fire prevention plan. As you probably know, fires can’t break out unless there’s a source of heat and something... View Article