Fire Safety Tips for High-Rise Residential Buildings

July 27, 2021 Published by Leave your thoughts

If you live in a high-rise condo, there are some things you need to know about fire safety. These types of buildings have specific features that aren’t applicable to single-family homes, duplexes, townhomes or other types of dwellings with fewer than four floors. If you live in a multistory building, especially one with an elevator, it’s good to be prepared in case of a fire emergency. With that in mind, here are some high-rise fire safety tips. Hopefully, you will never need to apply most of these tips, but it’s especially important to note the tips about prevention to be... View Article

What’s the Best Fire Extinguisher for Your Home?

July 21, 2021 Published by Leave your thoughts

Not many people realize that there’s more than one type of fire extinguisher. In fact, there are five different types of fire extinguishers, including water, foam, CO2, wet chemical and dry powder. While many homes and apartments come with a fire extinguisher, you may end up having to purchase your own. Certain types of businesses also require a specific type of fire extinguisher. In any case, it’s important to know everything you can about the different types of fire extinguishers so you can ensure you’re investing in the right one. Different types of fires Before choosing the right fire extinguishers,... View Article

How Home Fire Suppression Systems Save Lives

July 7, 2021 Published by Leave your thoughts

If you’re looking for a great addition to the fire safety precautions you’re taking in your home, you should consider a fire suppression system. Also known as sprinkler systems, home fire suppression systems add an extra layer of protection that will help prevent major damages in the event of an emergency. Residential fire sprinkler systems are able to stop a fire in its tracks and prevent it from spreading. Continue reading if you’d like to learn all the benefits of having a fire suppression system installed in your home. Are sprinkler systems expensive? As long as you work with a... View Article

Do I Need Both a Fire Alarm and a Sprinkler System?

June 15, 2021 Published by Leave your thoughts

When you own or manage commercial property in Lawrenceville, GA, keeping occupants protected in the event of a fire is of the utmost importance. While it may seem redundant to have both a fire alarm system and a sprinkler system, they both play a major role in alerting people and allowing them to escape the property safely. Here are the differences between fire alarm systems vs. sprinkler systems and how they both work together to keep people safe in a fire emergency. Fire alarm functions The main difference between fire alarm systems vs. sprinkler systems is in how they function.... View Article

An Introduction to Different Types of Fire Alarms

June 1, 2021 Published by Leave your thoughts

Looking for the right fire alarm system for your Lawrenceville, GA business? There are two main types of fire alarms you can buy for both residential and commercial properties: photoelectric and ionization. Read on to learn about the difference between these two alarm system types and how to determine which one is right for your business. Photoelectric alarms Photoelectric smoke alarms detect the presence of a fire by measuring the intensity of light passing through the air nearby. They aim a focused light source into a sensory chamber, and when smoke enters the chamber, it reflects light and sets off... View Article