Categories for Fire Extinguisher Service

How to Choose the Right Class of Fire Extinguisher

February 4, 2021 Published by Leave your thoughts

Having a fire extinguisher handy is an essential part of home safety, especially in the kitchen, garage or workshop, where fires are common. But it’s important to note that not all fire extinguishers are created equal. A model that can put out a fire in the kitchen might not be as effective on a fire that breaks out in the garage. This post from your fire extinguisher service in Lawrenceville, GA will cover all of the different types of fire extinguishers and teach you how to purchase the right one for your property. Fire extinguisher classes There are five different... View Article

Do You Know When to Replace a Fire Extinguisher?

October 16, 2020 Published by Leave your thoughts

Even though you’ll find fire extinguishers in almost every building and residence in the country, few people realize that these safety devices only last for so long. In particular, homeowners and small business owners often fail to maintain and replace fire extinguishers as needed. To keep your property and yourself safe, you should know the fire extinguisher lifespan in Lawrenceville, GA. How long does a fire extinguisher last? The standard types of fire extinguishers people purchase for their homes or businesses include carbon dioxide (CO2), water and wet chemical. You can expect a minimum lifespan of a fire extinguisher in... View Article

Six Fire Extinguisher Classes and Their Uses

July 24, 2020 Published by Leave your thoughts

Fire extinguishers are not all the same, because not all fires are the same. How you extinguish a fire depends on its source and what continues to fuel it. If you use the wrong suppressant, you may spread the fire or make the situation even more dangerous. To ensure you equip your business with the correct fire extinguisher class, here are the classes of different fire extinguishers in Lawrenceville, GA and when you need them: Carbon dioxide: Carbon dioxide extinguishers are designed for electrical fires. They work by smothering the fire so it no longer receives oxygen, its primary fuel... View Article

An Overview of the Different Types of Fire Extinguishers

June 10, 2020 Published by Leave your thoughts

Fire extinguishers are crucial pieces of safety equipment that you should have in any type of building, whether commercial or residential. However, not every fire extinguisher is designed to fight every type of fire. There are different categories and types of fire extinguishers in Lawrenceville, GA that are designed to handle fires burning from different materials or sources. The kind of fire extinguisher you use will depend on the class of fire you face. Fire classes are divided into A, B, C, D and K. Class A fires include common combustibles like wood, paper and cloth. Class B fires feature... View Article

How to Determine the Number of Fire Extinguishers You Need

May 27, 2020 Published by Leave your thoughts

Among the many considerations owners and managers of commercial buildings must take into account is the number and placement of fire extinguishers around their facility. There are two main factors to consider when determining how many fire extinguishers you will need: the square footage of the building and the building’s hazard level. OSHA regulations and local building codes are primarily based on those two factors when determining the fire protection requirements for any given structure. Here’s an overview of what you should know when working with a fire extinguisher supplier in Lawrenceville, GA to outfit your facility. Getting the right... View Article