November 27, 2019
Published by Writer
In the United States, commercial buildings are required to have fire extinguishers readily available in convenient locations. Extinguishers need to be on every floor, in every room, and everyone should know how to use one. The type of fire extinguisher might matter depending on the size of your building and whether there are chemicals or hazardous materials on site. These fire safety devices are necessary even when you have a sprinkler system designed to extinguish fires in your commercial space. The canisters are portable, which sometimes makes them the best option for extinguishing smaller fires. In addition to training every... View Article
June 7, 2019
Published by Writer
Thunderstorms can be an anxiety producing event, especially if you’re worried about the fate of your business. The wrong lightning strike can cause a devastating fire and result in damage that is beyond repair. Thankfully, there are things you can do to prepare your business for such a devastating event. Preparing your business for fire prevention can be the key to avoid having to close your doors forever. Fire safety in Lawrenceville, GA can save your business. Preparing for lighting-created fires It’s a good idea to prepare for a storm and possible fire before a storm even happens. You’ll want... View Article
May 2, 2018
Published by Writer
There’s possibly nothing more terrifying than a house fire. Thankfully, recent advances in fire prevention technology have made it much easier to stop fires from starting in the first place. If your home or business is also well equipped with suitable fire prevention technology, you should be able to suppress any active fire quickly and effectively. Purchasing the right fire safety equipment in Lawrenceville, GA can help you keep your home safe and sound. On an average day, fire safety and suppression may be the furthest thing from your mind. If you aren’t actively thinking about your contingency plan in... View Article