What Type of Fire Extinguisher Should I Have in My Home?

December 5, 2019 Published by Leave your thoughts

Any plan for home fire safety in Lawrenceville, GA should include having a fire extinguisher available for use in emergency situations. However, what kind of fire extinguisher is best for you to place in your home, and what else do you need to know about purchasing fire extinguishers for residential use? You’re going to want a fire extinguisher with a rating of 2A 10BC. This type of extinguisher is often referred to as an A-B-C extinguisher, or a “universal” extinguisher. The vast majority of fire safety advocates and programs across the country recommend that these extinguishers be located in the... View Article

How and When to Use a Fire Extinguisher

November 27, 2019 Published by Leave your thoughts

In the United States, commercial buildings are required to have fire extinguishers readily available in convenient locations. Extinguishers need to be on every floor, in every room, and everyone should know how to use one. The type of fire extinguisher might matter depending on the size of your building and whether there are chemicals or hazardous materials on site. These fire safety devices are necessary even when you have a sprinkler system designed to extinguish fires in your commercial space. The canisters are portable, which sometimes makes them the best option for extinguishing smaller fires. In addition to training every... View Article

Can a Fire Extinguisher Freeze?

November 13, 2019 Published by Leave your thoughts

As a commercial property owner, you might be wondering about the freezing temperature of a fire extinguisher in Lawrenceville, GA—especially if you store a few of them in less insulated areas like a garage, shed, basement or even outdoors. Right off the bat, it’s important to note that uninsulated areas may or may not damage your fire safety devices. It depends on a few factors, like the type of fire extinguisher, but a typical ABC fire extinguisher can operate in temperatures ranging from -65 to 120 degrees. Whether you work outdoors or in uninsulated spaces, make sure your fire extinguishers... View Article

How You Can Choose the Right Fire Alarms for Businesses in Lawrenceville, GA

October 16, 2019 Published by Leave your thoughts

Any commercial building should be outfitted with a reliable fire alarm system. Not only will this ensure that you’re able to keep your employees and customers safe in an emergency scenario, but it will also help you keep your building up to code and avoid being fined for violations. There are a lot of options out there on the market with regard to fire alarms for businesses in Lawrenceville, GA, and not all of them are of the same quality or reliability. With this in mind, what are the factors you need to consider when going through the process of... View Article

What’s the Average Fire Extinguisher Expiration Time?

October 2, 2019 Published by Leave your thoughts

You’ll find a wide variety of types of fire extinguishers on the market, in various shapes, uses and sizes. It’s important to have one or two available at convenient points in your home in case an accident occurs and you need to quickly and safely put out a fire. However, what many people don’t realize is that a fire extinguisher won’t last you forever—you’ll need to check the extinguisher on a regular basis to make sure it’s still usable and that it is still pressurized to an appropriate level. By making these regular checks, you can ensure you’ll be fully... View Article