Categories for Fire Protection Consultant

Common Commercial Fire Safety Mistakes

December 6, 2018 Published by Leave your thoughts

A commercial fire can devastate a business. From personal injury to property damage, this disaster can cause myriad challenges. Many operations are unable to recover after such an event. That’s why it’s essential to take the advice of your fire protection consultant in Lawrenceville, GA. Use the following tips to avoid fire safety mistakes and create a safer workplace environment. You’ll save time and money in the long run with a few simple steps. Plan A fire safety plan is crucial to protect your employees and other assets. Do you have one? Does everyone know what to do if there... View Article

What You Can Do to Reduce Fire Risks in Your Commercial Building

July 30, 2018 Published by Leave your thoughts

As a business owner, you have a lot of things on your mind. From maximizing profitability to ensuring that your employees are taken care of, you have a long list of tasks and priorities to juggle. Unfortunately, some of the most important aspects of business ownership are the ones that are most frequently overlooked. Whether you own a small retail store or a large industrial warehouse, you have to be aware of the risk of fire and take steps to keep your business safe. Commercial fires have many different causes, and they can happen at any time. By working with... View Article

What Are the Most Common Causes of Fire Sprinkler Leaks?

July 13, 2018 Published by Leave your thoughts

If a fire breaks out, you are counting on your sprinkler system to fight this fire and prevent disaster. If your system is well maintained, this should not be a problem. However, what if your fire sprinkler has a leak? This will cause malfunctions in your system and could allow a small fire to become a big danger. As your fire protection consultant in Lawrenceville, GA, we want to help prevent this from happening. To avert disaster, it’s important to be familiar with your system, what can cause leaks and how to prevent them. Use the following guide to keep... View Article

Does Your Office Have a Fire Emergency Preparedness Plan?

April 3, 2018 Published by Leave your thoughts

If the employees in your building heard the fire alarm today, would they know what to do? If smoke suddenly filled your office, would your workers have a plan to follow, or would panic ensue? For proper safety, it is essential to have a fire emergency preparedness plan. Fortunately, this is easy when you contact a fire protection consultant in Lawrenceville, GA. When you have a plan, lives and property are saved and tragedy is prevented. To establish a proper plan, incorporate the following measures: Sprinkler systems: Yes, they are a significant investment—and yes, they are worth it. They can... View Article

What Is a Fire Prevention Plan, and Why Is It Important?

December 4, 2017 Published by Leave your thoughts

Every day, fires devastate homes and businesses across the nation. Fires don’t just cause property damage, though. Without proper fire safety knowledge, fires can lead to injuries or even death. Luckily, that shouldn’t be the case with your home or business if you have a fire prevention plan in place! Keep reading to learn more about fire prevention plans from a fire protection consultant in Lawrenceville, GA: Recognize fire hazards: Identifying potential fire hazards is the first step in creating a fire prevention plan. As you probably know, fires can’t break out unless there’s a source of heat and something... View Article