June 21, 2019 11:07 pm
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Cooking fires are the leading cause of home fires in the United States, and grease fires are even more common in restaurants that don’t follow safety protocol. In fact, many restaurants suffer from fires each year. Recently, an overnight fire in Pennsylvania caused a popular restaurant to close its doors forever due to damage that led to the building needing to be completely demolished. The good news is that you can prevent this from happening to your restaurant by following proper fire safety protocol. Consult experts in fire safety compliance in Lawrenceville, GA for proper fire safety, and train all... View Article
June 7, 2019 11:06 pm
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Thunderstorms can be an anxiety producing event, especially if you’re worried about the fate of your business. The wrong lightning strike can cause a devastating fire and result in damage that is beyond repair. Thankfully, there are things you can do to prepare your business for such a devastating event. Preparing your business for fire prevention can be the key to avoid having to close your doors forever. Fire safety in Lawrenceville, GA can save your business. Preparing for lighting-created fires It’s a good idea to prepare for a storm and possible fire before a storm even happens. You’ll want... View Article
May 18, 2019 4:14 am
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Your child’s safety is a top priority. This includes their time at school. While many parents think of bullying, abductions and other human threats to their child, they may not consider the importance of fire safety compliance in Lawrenceville, GA. Following are the most common threats to fire safety in schools. We’ve also included a few stats from local schools that demonstrate their fire-preparedness. To find your child’s school, visit the Fire Drill Report site. School Fire Hazards Storage: A common safety violation is the improper storage of materials. Items may be stacked higher than is recommended, effectively blocking sprinkler... View Article
May 4, 2019 4:13 am
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Summer nights are often filled with brilliant displays of fireworks. These can add colorful fun to picnics, Independence Day celebrations and other special occasions. However, proper safety precautions must be used to avoid disasters. No fireworks show is complete without fire extinguishers in Lawrenceville, GA. In addition to having fire extinguishers on hand during firework shows, several other safety tips can help keep you and your loved ones safe. Use the following guidelines as you light up the skies this summer. Don’t buy brown paper: If you discover any firework products that are packaged in brown paper, do not buy... View Article
April 18, 2019 10:32 pm
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As a business owner, there is a wide variety of things that you have to take into account to ensure that your workplace is as safe as possible. One of the most important things you need to do to keep your company operating safely and effectively is invest in hydrostatic testing, but a lot of business owners don’t know exactly what this testing involves or when it’s necessary. Read on to find out more about hydrostatic testing and fire protection system inspection in Lawrenceville, GA. What is hydrostatic testing? Hydrostatic testing is a type of testing that’s specifically designed to... View Article