August 13, 2018 8:23 pm
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Fire extinguishers are literal lifesavers that have put out fires that might have otherwise gone on to grow and become destructive and deadly. It’s a good idea for homeowners and business owners to invest in quality fire protection equipment in Lawrenceville, GA, but many people aren’t sure what to do after actually using this equipment. When you put out a fire with a fire extinguisher, you may be left with a pretty big mess to handle. The good news is that there are a few simple steps that you can follow to clean up after using fire extinguishers: Clean agent... View Article
July 30, 2018 8:23 pm
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As a business owner, you have a lot of things on your mind. From maximizing profitability to ensuring that your employees are taken care of, you have a long list of tasks and priorities to juggle. Unfortunately, some of the most important aspects of business ownership are the ones that are most frequently overlooked. Whether you own a small retail store or a large industrial warehouse, you have to be aware of the risk of fire and take steps to keep your business safe. Commercial fires have many different causes, and they can happen at any time. By working with... View Article
July 13, 2018 9:24 pm
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If a fire breaks out, you are counting on your sprinkler system to fight this fire and prevent disaster. If your system is well maintained, this should not be a problem. However, what if your fire sprinkler has a leak? This will cause malfunctions in your system and could allow a small fire to become a big danger. As your fire protection consultant in Lawrenceville, GA, we want to help prevent this from happening. To avert disaster, it’s important to be familiar with your system, what can cause leaks and how to prevent them. Use the following guide to keep... View Article
June 29, 2018 9:24 pm
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Your building and its occupants rely on your fire sprinkler system to protect them during an emergency. This makes proper functioning of this equipment essential. To ensure it operates as needed during a fire, you must have it inspected regularly. Partnering with experienced fire sprinkler contractors in Lawrenceville, GA to complete these inspections will help keep your property safe. How often should you complete these inspections? The answer varies. Some parts should be inspected more often than others. Following is a breakdown of the standards for inspection and testing frequencies. Inspections Every week or month: Depending on the type of... View Article
June 15, 2018 10:46 pm
Published by Writer
Like many states, Georgia boasts a robust fire safety code that requires business owners, homeowners and multifamily property owners to install certain fire safety equipment. One of the most meaningful means of fire prevention is a fire sprinkler system. Whether you live in a single-family home or operate a large-scale business, there are a number of reasons you may want to research Georgia’s fire sprinkler laws and learn about the state’s requirements and recommendations. While it may not be required by law for you to update the fire safety systems currently in place at your business, it’s advisable to keep... View Article