Do You Have a Fire Escape Plan?

May 16, 2018 Published by Leave your thoughts

Almost nothing is more frightening and devastating than a house fire. As tragic as any house fire is, though, you can avoid the worst-case scenario by effectively planning an escape route for yourself and your family members. Excessive smoke, noise, heat and confusion, coupled with poor planning and a lack of preparation, too often ends in death or severe injury. Even though it may seem like the idea of a house fire is far-fetched, you and your family members should have a clear idea of how you will act in case your home is engulfed in flames. You should also... View Article

Home Fire Safety Tips That Could Save Your Life

May 2, 2018 Published by Leave your thoughts

There’s possibly nothing more terrifying than a house fire. Thankfully, recent advances in fire prevention technology have made it much easier to stop fires from starting in the first place. If your home or business is also well equipped with suitable fire prevention technology, you should be able to suppress any active fire quickly and effectively. Purchasing the right fire safety equipment in Lawrenceville, GA can help you keep your home safe and sound. On an average day, fire safety and suppression may be the furthest thing from your mind. If you aren’t actively thinking about your contingency plan in... View Article

Do I Need to Replace My Sprinkler System?

April 17, 2018 Published by Leave your thoughts

Replacing a sprinkler system is not something property owners take lightly. It can greatly affect the bottom line for the year. However, it can also greatly affect the safety of the building. It can also require an investment of time and energy, as you consult with fire sprinkler contractors in Lawrenceville, GA to create the best system for your property. To determine if this investment is worthwhile, consider the following aspects of your current system and the possibilities for a new one. You may find that it is time to replace your system, or you may discover that repairs are... View Article

Does Your Office Have a Fire Emergency Preparedness Plan?

April 3, 2018 Published by Leave your thoughts

If the employees in your building heard the fire alarm today, would they know what to do? If smoke suddenly filled your office, would your workers have a plan to follow, or would panic ensue? For proper safety, it is essential to have a fire emergency preparedness plan. Fortunately, this is easy when you contact a fire protection consultant in Lawrenceville, GA. When you have a plan, lives and property are saved and tragedy is prevented. To establish a proper plan, incorporate the following measures: Sprinkler systems: Yes, they are a significant investment—and yes, they are worth it. They can... View Article

What’s the Difference Between Fire Extinguishers from Big Box Stores and Those from Fire Extinguisher Services in Lawrenceville, GA?

March 16, 2018 Published by Leave your thoughts

Equipping your building with the proper fire extinguishers is just one of your many responsibilities as a property manager. The expenses and tasks can start to pile up, and you may begin to wonder if there are ways you can save time or money. You notice that big box stores carry fire extinguishers, and you are tempted to purchase these and skip the call to the fire extinguisher service in Lawrenceville, GA. This would be a mistake. You may assume the equipment is the same, but it is not. It does not offer the same quality or dependability. Here’s why.... View Article