The Most Common Causes of Kitchen Fires

December 25, 2020 Published by Leave your thoughts

Over the holidays (and the winter months in general), people spend a lot more time working in their kitchens. This greater level of usage means there will be at least a slightly greater chance of a kitchen fire occurring in your home. The good news is that these fires are highly preventable, but to know how to prevent kitchen fires, you need to be aware of their most common causes. With this in mind, here’s an overview of the most common causes of kitchen fires in Lawrenceville, GA and what you can do to prevent them from occurring: Excessive cooking... View Article

How to Avoid Burning Down Your House with Your Christmas Tree

December 11, 2020 Published by Leave your thoughts

Christmas time means having new decorations up on your home, as well as some new potential fire risks. Each year, we like to remind homeowners who decorate their homes with real Christmas trees to take care of how they place the trees in their homes and the steps they take to decorate. Here is a quick overview of tips straight from the National Fire Protection Association to help you stay safe with your Christmas tree and avoid a fire hazard during the holiday season in Lawrenceville, GA this year. Pick the right tree If you haven’t yet chosen your tree... View Article

How Often Should You Train Your Employees on Fire Safety?

November 21, 2020 Published by Leave your thoughts

If you own or operate a business, fire safety is crucial. Not only should you ensure your employees won’t take any unnecessary risks, or not understand how to operate hazardous equipment, but you also want to make sure they know how to escape if there is a fire. Employee fire safety training in Lawrenceville, GA could literally be the difference between life and death. In fact, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) prevents employees from using fire extinguishers until they’ve had appropriate training—so if you have untrained employees, it’s crucial that you teach them right away. Here are some... View Article

The Worst Things You Can Do in a Fire

November 7, 2020 Published by Leave your thoughts

No one wants to think they’ll ever be in a fire, whether at home, work or elsewhere. We might think we know what to do in a situation like that, but in the heat of the moment, many people panic. Do you know what to do—and more importantly, what not to do—in a fire? If you’re not sure, the consequences can be fatal. Here are all the things to never do in a fire in Lawrenceville, GA: Open doors indiscriminately: Think back to your elementary school fire training. One of the first things your teachers told you was to touch... View Article

Do You Know When to Replace a Fire Extinguisher?

October 16, 2020 Published by Leave your thoughts

Even though you’ll find fire extinguishers in almost every building and residence in the country, few people realize that these safety devices only last for so long. In particular, homeowners and small business owners often fail to maintain and replace fire extinguishers as needed. To keep your property and yourself safe, you should know the fire extinguisher lifespan in Lawrenceville, GA. How long does a fire extinguisher last? The standard types of fire extinguishers people purchase for their homes or businesses include carbon dioxide (CO2), water and wet chemical. You can expect a minimum lifespan of a fire extinguisher in... View Article